What do I have at this very moment except words?
Oh words of every language, help me! Protect me from the waves of grievance.
Even the wind of this cruel world feels suffocating to breath in.
What shall I breath in?
I have no where to go
I am off-tracked
No rains of melody can sooth my gloomy heart
I didn’t cry
I felt on the ground without a second and there was nothing to hold onto
It feels unreal, I can’t hear anything anymore
Everything is getting darker and scarier
All I can hear is some distorted piano notes
Is that reality is also real?
If I reincarnate, I won’t choose to be human
Next time, I will be a Sarod!
Why am I feeling so uprooted on the ground?
A fish out of water!
Pain Pain Pain
Melancholia Tragedy.
Am I too fragile or am I a rolling stone?
Will I write a book someday?
Are all of these mere nightmares — needed for my character development?
Is pain just one entity comes in different forms?
There’s too much in this universe I don’t know anything about
But I don’t wish to live to know them all, either.
I am not a fighter
I couldn’t stand up that day
My red T-shirt didn’t change its color
What an abomination of soul!
I forgot how to think
Regardless of what I was learnt throughout my life, I couldn’t stand up by myself
With a shattered glasses on eyes, I couldn’t even wipe my tears out!
I yield before sunset
This too shall not pass
And I must perish, soon…